Psychological Safety Inventory (PSI)

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PSI - Full Version

The Psychological Safety Inventory (PSI) is a self-report scale developed and made available by MacDonald Franklin OSI Research Centre.

As of 2023, research regarding psychological safety is limited by their reliability and validity information. The narrow content domains evaluated using current measures, necessitates the development of a comprehensive psychological safety scale. Scales should be based on a thorough review of the literature and rigorous empirical evaluations of psychometric properties.

The PSI is designed to capture response to organizational needs to accurately assess psychological safety. The intention of this webpage is to provide the public with the most current versions of the PSI, along with an updated list of references, instructions, and other relevant materials.

Plouffe, R. A., Ein, N., Liu, J. J. W., St. Cyr, K., Baker, C., Nazarov, A., & Don Richardson, J. (2023). Feeling safe at work: Development and validation of the Psychological Safety Inventory. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 31, 443–455.

Instructions: For the following statements, please select the number that best reflects your agreement or disagreement based on your perceptions and experiences within your team environment. There are five possible responses to each statement ranging from ‘Strongly Disagree’ (number 1) to ‘Strongly Agree’ (number 5).


This project was funded through support from Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR).